Name of teacher / supervisor
Ederson Xavier

Period, duration
Blocks 3, 6 weeks
Block 4, 5 weeks
Block 5, 5 weeks

Study load
16 contact hours

1, 6


The class focuses on improving strength, flexibility, posture, and body awareness with a focus on breath work.
Developed by Ron Fletcher, student of Joseph and Clara Pilates and Martha Graham dancer, Fletcher Pilates includes both floor and standing exercises. Next to the traditional work on the « core », it brings particular attention to the softening and mobility of the spine, as well as of the shoulder grid, with clear breath support.
The class will give functional support to the standing contemporary technique in particular next to improving body awareness in general.

Learning goals

Working method(s) used
Physical exercises, exploration, reflection

Used study material

Assessment criteria:
Attendance and participation.

Method of assessment
