Study guidance is a compulsory part of the curriculum during the academic year. Once every two weeks, a contact hour is organized in which the students develop their study and reflection skills. In addition, there are individual contact moments for each student.
The lecturer makes the students aware of the educational structure and how it is organized, and also pays attention to the personal development of the students.
The teacher challenges the students to give the best of themselves and to develop their self-reflection skills. Students are encouraged to develop self-initiative, attend performances and situate themselves within the context of the international dance world. To achieve this, personal guidance is of great importance. The development from student/professional dancer to professional ballet teacher is not an unambiguous process, it is up to the student to realize this.

The NBA is aware that the majority of BA students come from the professional field and may want to combine this study with work. We emphasize that we assume an obligation to attend, with an additional commitment obligation.

Self-study is a requirement and important for all subjects. It takes time and requires insight to be able to convert the learned material into actual lessons in practice in which all elements are included. The student is therefore expected to take the self-study hours seriously and to use them and then to come to the next lessons with specific questions and inquiries.
