To graduate, you must have completed 240 credits and all agreements in the graduation agreement have been fulfilled. Only then will graduation take place.

At the end of your studies, a meeting is held between you, the artistic director and one or more teachers. As a rule, an external supervisor or guest teacher is also invited to this meeting. Topics that may come up in this conversation are:

  • the development you have gone through during the study programme (also related to the internship report and the graduation plan)
  • the agreements laid down in the graduation agreement in relation to the graduation plan and a reflection on these;
  • the level you have reached, related to the competences and professional practice;
  • the future plans and expectations you have.

Retaking the final examination
If one or more study components have not been successfully completed, the artistic director, in consultation with the examiners of these components, decides to retake or extend the graduation phase and on the details of this retake or extension.
The retake of the final examination or extension of the course are both one-offs and must be completed and assessed within one year at the latest.

More information on the exact regulations concerning the resit options for the final examination can be found in

The OER (Education and Examination Regulations) of the Academy of Theatre and Dance. This is available to all students on the intranet.
Students can also contact Dean Barbara de Boer (1st year), Kris Dekkers (from 2nd year) (replacements Timon Hagen), dean Academy of Theatre and Dance
E-mail: or 020 - 527 76 37.


