Study year and course duration
AD1 en AD2

Class load (weekly) 
AD1 = 1 hour

AD2 =4 hours

Builds these competencies
1. Creative skills
2. Technical skills

3. Problem Solving Skills
4. Communicative Skills
5. Capacity for growth and innovation
6. Collaborative skills

Course content 
Solos classes teach solos from the ballet repertoire of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The focus at the NBA is on the Dutch National Ballet versions of the these ballets. In professional practice, these short solos are generally performed by a company soloist and are exceptionally challenging. Here, the student is expected to incorporate everything he/she has learned in Classical Ballet classes, and is ultimately able to physically embody and express an understanding of the role (character) and of the ballet from which the solo is drawn.

In AD1, the student learns several solos selected by the teacher from a list of solos considered appropriate for this study year. In some cases, there will be links between the solo and Repertoire classes, and in others the selected solo will come from a piece that is being performed by the Dutch National Ballet in the same period, so that the student can attend performances. 

In AD2 Variations classes focus primarily on professional practice by preparing students for auditions. Many classical ballet companies expect students to either perform a classical solo live at auditions or to submit a video. The student and teacher work together towards this practical objective. Variations classes can also be used by the teacher and student to prepare a video. The student learns how to position himself/herself in the professional field (AD2)

Learning objectives 
The student:
-Develops his/her understanding of classical variations from the major full-length ballets.
-Demonstrates an increasingly broad-based feeling for dance and can perform a short solo that displays his/her technical ability, stylistic sensibility and understanding of the role.
-Prepares for auditions for the professional field by mastering a variation.
-Records a video of himself/herself performing a variation that he/she has mastered, for auditioning purposes.  
-Demonstrates that he/she has a feeling for a various dance styles, and has a well-developed personality in various dance styles.
-Is able, in Solos classes, to put into practice what he/she has learned in other (especially Classical Ballet) classes.

Working methods
The student is taught a range of variations in group classes, with additional individual coaching and video recording of the variations.

Study material (specialist literature, case histories, assignments, videos, etc.) 
Use may be made of videos of classical variations, preferably the Dutch National Ballet versions.

Visits to performances by Dutch National Ballet and other ballet companies to see variations performed live. 

Assessment method 
Evaluation and feedback based on presentation and Examination classes.

Assessment criteria 
1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

2) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3) 1, 2, 3, 4
4) 1, 2
5) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6) 1, 2, 3

Remarks relating to overall context of the study programme (e.g. connectional and sequential requirements), or other remarks
Connects to knowledge acquired in Classical Ballet classes and Repertoire classes. Ultimately, the Variation classes are where the student shows the full picture of his/her abilities, and this is what the student takes to auditions at professional ballet companies. 
