Study year and duration
AD1 and AD2
Study load (weekly)
On average: 2x 90 minutes (classical repertoire) and 2x 75 min (neo-classical and contemporary ballet repertoire)
Builds these competencies
1. Creative skills
2. Technical skills
3. Problem Solving Skills
4. Communicative Skills
5. Capacity for growth and innovation
6. Collaborative skills
Course content
Repertoire classes teach the student repertoire from professional practice, which may be linked to the Variation and Pas de Deux classes. Where possible, the focus is on repertoire performed by Dutch National Ballet, and comprises parts of full-length classical ballets and contemporary/20th-century repertoire.
The student is expected to develop an understanding of how to work within the context of a dance ensemble through rehearsal of a group dance or corps de ballet.
The student learns to distinguish between different styles, understands the origin and background of classical ballets, and is aware of versions choreographed by a variety of choreographers. He/She is permitted to choose to practice a version other than the one performed by the Dutch National Ballet to demonstrate its differences from other versions.
At Repertoire classes, the student learns how to collaborate and to be part of a corps de ballet, and also becomes familiar with how a ballet master / repetitor will rehearse the ballets in professional practice. Sometimes, a choreographer will join the lesson to practice/rehearse his/her version of a ballet from the repertoire.
Contemporary repertoire includes work by choreographers such as George Balanchine, William Forsythe, Hans van Manen, Rudi van Dantzig, Toer van Schayk, Ted Brandsen and David Dawson, Crystal Pite, Wayne McGregor as well as work by young choreographers affiliated to Dutch National Ballet. Students may also learn repertoire from other companies such as Introdans, Scapino and NDT.
These classes again bring together all the technical skills acquired in Classical and Pas de Deux classes, and the student is expected to apply his/her classical skills.
Learning objectives
The student:
-Develops knowledge of major classical ballet repertoire, as well as neoclassical and modern repertoire by Dutch National Ballet and other companies and choreographer
-Is able to learn repertoire pieces under pressure and is able to pick up a sequence of steps in a short amount of time
-Demonstrates the ability to make connections between the elements he/she has learned in Classical Ballet classes and can apply and this ability in repertoire, and an understanding of style and role (character).
-Can collaborate well in a group context, and understands how a corps de ballet rehearses group dances.
-Demonstrates a good feel for a variety of styles and develops personality in dance styles.
-Is able to recognise, identify and actively use musical rhythms, coordination and the associated idiom.
-Has an understanding of the research on various versions of full-length ballets, and is aware of various interpretations by contemporary choreographers.
-Is a good participatory dancer in rehearsed repertoire piece, and is capable of correcting himself/herself with respect to technique learned in Classical Ballet classes.
Working methods
The student is taught material and repertoire in group lesson, alongside research assignments into a variety of versions, choreographers and styles.
Study material (specialist literature, case histories, assignments, videos, etc.)
Use self-driven Internet- and DVD-based research to acquire repertoire-related knowledge on various versions of the classical ballets, and connect this knowledge to music and dance history.
Assessment method
Evaluation and feedback based on presentation
Assessment criteria
1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3) 1, 2, 3, 4
4) 1
5) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6) 1, 2, 3
Remarks relating to overall context of the study programme (e.g. connectional and sequential requirements), or other remarks
Connects with knowledge acquired in Dance History classes and (in relation to the development of an understanding of various styles and associated rhythms, etc.) Music Theory classes.