The final assessment of a semester takes place in the integral assessment by the artistic director, the core team, the study supervisor and the teachers of that semester.

 The integral assessment is:

  • The formation of an intersubjective joint assessment by a team of teachers, in which all separate subjects and assignments are discussed cross-curricular. An evaluation of the continuous learning process that the student goes through. Commitment, work attitude, development and learning ability are important elements and form the basis for the development of competencies. The competencies and criteria that must have been developed in that semester are discussed with the student. Aimed at stimulating the development of the student in the light of the competencies of the programme. Focused on bringing the student to maturity and in the light of his/her personal vision and ambitions.

 All individual assessments are collected for the integral assessment by the artistic director, who acts as chairman during the meeting, so that an overview is available showing the student's development. The assessment of the final product is placed in the context of the student's development and personal research.

The assessment committee does not award marks but gives descriptive judgments in the form of feedback, because the student's growth compared to the previous period is central. In the assessment meeting, the teachers jointly assess whether the student's growth is sufficient or insufficient and thus whether the semester has been achieved. In the event of a positive assessment, 20 ECs are awarded for participation and 10 ECs for growth and development. In addition, as a result of the assessment, the student receives advice on the next steps (feed forward). If necessary, the student may be given an additional assignment before receiving his or her ECTS credits.
Dance study programmes at the Academy of Theatre and Dance use a study load system that corresponds with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A full-time AD study programme of 120 study credits (EC) is equivalent to 1680 hours of study annually, according to the Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Act governing Higher Education and Scientific Research) (WHW), in a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning.

 A report is made of the integral assessment for each student, which also includes the agreements made in the form of personal learning objectives and points for attention. In the next assessment, progress in achieving these individual objectives will play an important role, after which adjustment will take place and the assessment cycle will be repeated.
