The final stage of the educational programme is the graduation phase, which comprises the second semester of the second year. Prior to admission to the graduation stage, the student receives the 'green light' from the assessment meeting. The green light indicates that the student is eligible for graduation based on previous and still to be expected development.

In addition to the development and credits of the students from the first academic year, the committee of examiners looks at the students' graduation plan. The graduation plan is written by the student, drawn up in consultation with the artistic director or supervisor. The graduation plan is aimed at completing the study as optimally as possible in terms of content. The focus is on 'what do I still want to learn in the last part of my study and how do I approach this?

 The graduation plan is the central reference point for the graduation assessment. The educational programme at the NBA does not end with a single graduation project. Although we do describe the students' final work as a 'graduation project', and students make a graduation assignment, graduation at the NBA is the sum of all the components of the graduation stage, each of which must at least be assessed as sufficient as evidence of the required development.

The graduation is concluded with an interview with the artistic director, the classical ballet teacher and the tutor. The topics discussed are:

  • the student's development during the programme
  • the standard the student has reached (with reference to the graduation plan and competencies)
  • the student's own plans and expectations for the future.