Year, duration
Study load
Project based
Builds these competencies
1. Creative skills
2. Technical skills
3. Problem Solving Skills
4. Communicative Skills
5. Capacity for growth and innovation
6. Collaborative skills
Course content
Modern technique classes prepare the student for neo-classical and more modern repertoire through building a different vocabulary, still bearing the classical training of the students in mind. Some goals for these classes include:
Learning objectives
The student:
- Accesses its technique through movement, not placement.
- Communicates concepts physically, intellectually and philosophically. Creates the opportunity to tap into its physicality from other areas of itself, building a whole artist.
- Learns to work with tools not steps.
- Demonstrates its work with clear intention.
- Is able to share this process verbally and in written form through assigned tasks, creating self-awareness in its development, personal goals and accomplishments.
- Learns to expect excellence from itself. Learn how to work, by finding nuance in its movement and artistry.
- Will learn dance technique based on the science of the human body as we understand it today, by avoiding technique based on aesthetic or preference.
- Learns to takes responsibility for its role. The student is invited to participate in a functional dialogue and help create an environment where everyone is supported, heard and available to be their best.
Working methods
The student is taught material and repertoire in group classes and asked to reflect on this as pointed out in the learning objectives
Study material (specialist literature, case histories, assignments, videos, etc.)
None. However, it should be impressed upon the student that he/she should conduct further research into other styles, choreographers and companies.
Assessment method
Evaluation and ongoing feedback and feedforward through oral and written reports
Assessment criteria
1) 1, 2 3, 5
2) 1, 2, 3, 4
3) 1, 2, 3, 4
4) 1
5) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6) 1, 2, 3, 4
Remarks relating to overall context of the study programme (e.g. connectional and sequential requirements), or other remarks
Links to Repertoire classes.