Fourth study year (Graduation phase)
During the Graduation Phase, the student is challenged to take more responsibility for their own learning process.

The fourth year starts with the stage (internship), which is taking place between September and December of the respective school year. The stage is a moment for student to make connections between their artistic practice and the professional field. During the stage, the student is keeping in touch with the mentor and the tutor of the stage and of the final paper. During this time the final paper drafts are exchanged and discussed with the tutor and the project proposal, for the first performance work, is discussed with the mentor.

Upon the return from the stage, in January of the respective study year, the students write and submit their stage report, have mentor workshop alongside series of production and PR meetings as preparation for the first performance programme which will take place in external venue in spring.

This is also the time to submit the last version of the Final Paper.

Between April and end of June, students work on their final Graduation Festival. If in the spring programme students are supposed to create a new work, for the Graduation Festival students can choose to present an older work, a re-work of the spring performance or create a new one.

Upon completion and positive assessment of all four components of the graduation plan the student is receiving the SNDO diploma Bachelor of Arts – Choreography at the end of the fourth study year.

The fourth year is rounded up with graduation ceremony, which is a moment for the community to celebrate the graduates. The ceremony programme is in the hands of the third year students, while the second year prepares and serves drinks and delicious food. A guest of honor is invited to greet the graduates and from their perspective point towards the world outside the school.
