You as a student are central to our education. Education promotes the integral development of your talent and educational learning process. That is not only a matter of talent, but of mentality and of 'wanting' very much. As a student, you must be aware of the demands and discipline of the future profession. But it is also important that your artistry has a personal necessity and is related to your aptitude and need to communicate through the performing arts.
As a student, you are relatively independent within education. In addition to the range of courses on offer, you are given the freedom to research, experiment, gain inspiration, propose new possibilities and look beyond the fences of your own discipline. You will have to open yourself to perspectives that may not be self-evident to you, and at the same time gradually become aware of the cultural determinacy of your own ideas and views. In addition to the acquisition of knowledge and its application, self-insight and critical reflection are indispensable skills to successfully complete your education.
A benchmark for the assessments is whether you as a student are (ultimately) able to rise above the professional competences and to give substance to the subject in your own and independent way. You learn to develop a vision and to give substance to your profession in your own way. Because you learn to work together during your training, you can test yourself against others and place yourself in a professional context. In this way, the school wants to offer a climate in which the development of skills is accompanied by the development of a critical and reflective capacity, so that as a graduate you are able to influence and change existing practice.
The teachers and students have a shared responsibility for the teaching-learning process. The program is responsible for the offer, study options, options, supervision and facilitation. As a student, you are expected to learn through discovery and to ask questions. As the program progresses, you must be able to make the right choices with regard to the educational offer and take initiatives to be able to steer your own process. By seeing coherence, discovering your own preferences, you can organize and develop your own learning process - what is called self-learning ability. This self-learning ability is important for the future. Because we want you to continue to learn and develop yourself when you graduate from school.