Who is it for?

Expanded Contemporary Dance is for young dancers wanting to develop to a professional level in the broad context of current choreographic creation. It welcomes passionate, open-minded students with strong physical expression and an inquiring mind, from all cultural backgrounds, dance and performance styles, and parts of the world.

Students entering this bachelor programme should already have received a pre-professional dance training through formal dance education, dance-crew practices, battles, self-learning or any other learning format.

To enter a bachelor level programme, a student needs to have a high school diploma, in the Netherlands havo, mbo4 or (an international) equivalent.

The graduate of Expanded Contemporary Dance is able to function as an autonomous professional within the broad field of contemporary dance:

Because of their technical, improvisational, compositional, performative skills the ECD graduate can execute choreographic material with precision, create material, shape a role and fulfil an artistic vision in a creation process in a variety of performance contexts.

Because of their creative and reflective abilities, they contribute constructively to the realisation of an artistic process or product or and to an inspiring working environment in intercultural contexts.

- They are able to develop their own practice, style and vision as dancers.
- They have an investigative attitude and can undertake (practice-oriented) researche.
They are able to analyse and position their personal artistic development and their dance practice in relation to an artistic, social, (inter)cultural context.
- Whenever possible, through their professional commitments they seek to contribute to diversifying the choreographic canon.
 - They are caring and respectful towards themselves and others in their way of working. They commit to the values of Fair Practice and Social safety and thereby contribute to the improvements of their professional field.
They can effectively shape their ambitions, set and realise their goals, create professional opportunities and sustain themselves in an (inter)national work field.
