Teacher; Iva Lešić
Part 1 Anatomy and Injury Prevention
Year, duration
AD 1: 4 blocks
Study load (weekly)
Lectures, 60 minutes a week
Weekly homework plus 10 hours of self-study for the tests.
Contribution to the competences
3. Problem-solving ability
4. Communicative Ability
5. Ability to grow and develop
6. Ability to Collaborate
Brief description of the content
The aim of this module is to increase students' knowledge of anatomy and injury prevention so that they can apply it in their own field. The emphasis in this module is on theory, but practical assignments and exercises are also included.
Learning goals
The student:
- is familiar with anatomical terminology and has basic knowledge of injury prevention.
- understands how dance and anatomy are related to injury prevention.
- is able to apply the acquired knowledge in dance practice.
- can respond to injuries sensibly, safely and effectively.
- has developed knowledge and skills and can make informed decisions during training and implementation.
(do to learn/learn to do):
- Lecture
- Dedicated Education
- Instruction/self-study (in the classroom and at home)
Used study material (specialist literature, cases, assignments, videos, etc.)
- Willemsen, T. (2007). Anatomy and injury. Amsterdam.
- PowerPoint presentations
- PPT guides
- Videos exercises Iva Lesic
Assessment method
2 written theory tests - 1 hour per test
1 test at the end of block 2 and 1 test at the end of block 4
Assessment criteria
2) 5
3) 5
4) 1
5) 1,2, 3, 4
6) 4
Part 2 reflection and in-depth study
Year, duration:
AD1: 3 blocks
Block 1: orientation/exploration and ideas phase.
Block 2: realization phase and handing in paper
Block 3: presentations
Study load (weekly):
3 contact hours in total
self-study hours per week depend on the chosen theme and the student's experience.
Contribution to the competences
3. Problem-solving ability
4. Communicative Ability
5. Ability to grow and develop
6. Ability to Collaborate
Brief description of the content
In the Reflection and in-depth lessons, a paper is written on a topic in the field of dance health, anatomy and injury prevention. The paper is then presented to the class and a panel of professionals.
This paper requires thorough preparation, a well-chosen literature study, careful execution and a clear reporting.
Learning goals
- The student is able to gain insight and knowledge about a subject related to dance, anatomy and/or injury prevention.
- The student is able to actively acquire knowledge using books, internet, lessons and other resources.
- The student is able to theoretically elaborate a subject related to dance, anatomy and/or injury prevention.
- The student is able to translate the collected information into dance practice.
- The student is able to give a presentation on the chosen subject in the field of dance health, anatomy and/or injury prevention to fellow students and teachers.
(do to learn/learn to do):
- Dedicated Education
- Individual guidance
- Instruction / self-study (in the classroom and at home) / feedback / reflection
Study material (specialist literature, case studies, assignments, videos, etc.)
- Bulsuk, K. G. (2009) First step with PDCA. February 2, 2009.
- Zevensprong derived from the State University of Limburg Reader Reflection & Deepening
References according to APA-style criteria
Assessment method:
The final grade consists of 3 digits:
- The grade for the paper (minimum grade 5.5 to continue participating in the presentation),
- The grade for the process
- The grade for the presentation
All three numbers weigh the same. An average grade of 5.5 and above is considered a pass.
Assessment criteria
2) 5
3) 2,3,5
4) 1
5) 1,2, 3, 4
6) 4