Throughout the year the staff team regularly discusses in their meetings the development of those students who are brought to their attention by teachers. The mentor will set up a meeting with those students to discuss the issues.

SNDO 1 (first year):
End of block 1: individual evaluation by every teacher and a preliminary teachers meeting. The mentor will transmit the results of the teachers meeting verbally in individual talks to every student at the beginning of block 2.

End of block 2: individual evaluation by every teacher and integral evaluation (official teachers meeting). The artistic director and the mentor will transmit the results of the teachers meeting in individual talks verbally and on paper to every student before the Winter holiday break of that calendar year. The artistic director gives a written warning to the student if there was a conclusion or question raised during the teachers meeting whether SNDO is the optimal place for a student to develop. This warning letter has an official status in the propaedeuse procedure (NBSA Warning Letter). When a warning letter is issued it will contain suggestions for future progress and a timeline within which change, progress or development can and should be booked.

Block 3: Sometimes a student stops blossoming after the first semester. If necessary a warning letter can be hand out to the student (NBSA Warning Letter), before March 1st. After receiving a NBSA Warning Letter, a student has 8 weeks to improve their artistic development. If that improvement is not happening student will need to leave the school at the end of block 5.

Block 4: The mentor sets up talks with every individual student about the development during block 4. Individual evaluation by every teacher.

End of block 5: Individual evaluation by every teacher and integral evaluation (teachers meeting). The “first year’s performance piece” of the student will be taken into account in their meeting. In this teachers meeting the decision on handing out the propaedeuse diploma will be taken. The artistic director and the mentor will transmit the results of the teachers meeting in individual talks verbally and on paper to every student before the summer break. The propaedeuse diploma will be handed out to those students who were evaluated positively.

The evaluation report needs to show that the student has obtained 60 EU credits so far. Students who received an NBSA Warning Letter and who failed to improve their development will not be given the propaedeuse diploma. They will have to leave the school. Students who didn’t receive all their study credits can be promoted to the second year on the condition they complete extra assignments to compensate the missing credits and will get special evaluation moments. Every student needs to pass the propaedeuse phase within a maximum of two years.

The mentor will set individual meetings with students to talk about their development during the whole academic year. 

End of block 2: individual evaluation by every teacher and integral evaluation (teachers meeting). The artistic director and the mentor will transmit the results of the teachers meeting in individual talks verbally and on paper to every student before the Winter holiday break of that calendar year.

End of Block 4: The mentor sets up talks with every individual student about the development during block 3 & 4. Individual evaluation by every teacher.

End of block 5: Individual evaluation by every teacher and integral evaluation (teachers meeting). The “second years performance piece” of the student will be taken into account in this meeting.

The artistic director and the mentor will transmit the results of the teachers meeting in individual talks verbally and on paper to every student before the summer break. Student who had a postponed study advice or extra tasks for credits compensation the year before may receive their propaedeuse diploma if they met all the necessary conditions. Students who fail to meet the necessary conditions must leave the school, since the maximum study time for the propaedeutic phase is two years.

All other students will graduate to the third year and enter the graduation phase. The evaluation report needs to show that the student has obtained 120 eu credits so far.

The mentor will set individual meetings with students to talk about their development during the whole academic year. Where necessary the artistic director and the mentor will have a meeting with a student whose development is causing worries.

Beginning of Block 3: preliminary mentor and artistic director meeting, evaluating the Dance theatre performance and getting preliminary input from 1st semester teachers.

End of block 5: Individual evaluation by every teacher and integral evaluation (teachers meeting). The “Danstheater piece” , the “MTD/ECD/SNDO piece”, all courses and the philosophy essay will be taken into account in this meeting. The artistic director and the mentor will transmit the results of the teachers meeting in individual talks verbally and on paper to every student before the summer break. The evaluation report needs to show that the student has obtained 180 ECT credits so far. Full credits and the graduation plan will be subject of green light (allowing a student to proceed into the graduation phase) in this talk.

The mentor will set individual meetings with students to talk about their development during the whole academic year. If necessary the artistic director and the mentor will have a meeting with a student whose development is causing worries. 

End of block 5: Graduation board convenes to assess stage (and stage report), final paper, spring performance programme and June Graduation festival. The graduation board writes their conclusion in the form of laudation which is handed out to graduates in written and verbal form during the ‘Laudation’ meeting which takes place prior to the graduation ceremony. This takes place in a group setting with the whole graduating class and the complete graduation board.

The graduation board is consisted of SNDO 1, 2 and 4 mentors, stage and final paper tutor and the artistic director. The study concludes with the graduation ceremony during which the diploma (240 eu credits) will be handed out.



