During subject assessments one or more competencies are evaluated. Often this assessment occurs by observing how you perform on the basis of predetermined criteria and the question if, on concluding the block and depending on your advancement, you can give form to what you have learned. The teacher discusses his verdict with each student, sometimes in response to a self-evaluation that has been submitted by a student in advance. In principle you must complete every subject with a satisfactory mark. A resit for sub-sections is possible.
Twice a year, assessments per subject are combined for what we call an integral assessment. This is a meeting attending by a majority of the teachers who have taught that particular semester. To make a sound assessment of a student’s development towards becoming a professional, it is important that the term review meeting looks not only at progress made in individual subjects or components but particularly at the coherence of your development over the full breadth of your career perspective. This assessment is integral and subject transcending and supplements assessments of individual subjects or components.
The term review meeting will make an integral assessment: a conclusion concerning the development you have undergone towards realizing your career perspective. Are you up to standard, have you mastered all the competencies to the degree that can be expected of you at this stage? Where necessary and possibly also if everything is going according to plan, this semester assessment will give you learning advice and learning assignments aimed at your development in the following semester. Study credits are not awarded for individual subjects, but exclusively for how your integral development towards becoming a dance or theatre professional is assessed by the term review meeting.
See the Education and Exam Regulations.