As education institute, we also assess and test our own functioning. Your verdict is also very important.
After completion of all lessons and projects, an oral evaluation is usually held. The relevant teachers and students together discuss their experiences. The goal of this evaluation is:
- to assess the content and progress of the programme or project with regard to the set goals
- to assess the value of the programme or project as part of the curriculum of the study programme
- to assess the approach and supervision of the teachers
- to assess the learning yield of students
In addition to these talks, digital subject evaluations are periodically conducted among year groups. These take the form of anonymous surveys in which students can give their opinion on numerous aspects of a study component or subject and the methods and quality of the teacher concerned.
We also ask all graduate students to fill out a programme evaluation in the form of an anonymous survey in which they can give their verdict on the study programme as a whole and offer suggestions. This serves as a basis for an interview with an independent policy officer for quality assurance.
Once every two years all hogeschool study programmes take part in a Nationale Studenten EnquĂȘte (NSE or National Student Poll). Students are called on per email to take part. The larger the number of participants, the better we can react to grievances.
If you have complaints about the quality of education, there are various ways to express them. Visit the Klachtenloket.