Titel cursus
Physical Theatre/Voice MTD 2

Naam docent:  
Jodi Gilbert

Periode, duur
1 block 5 weeks 
2 sessions of 2 hours per week
1 session of 90 min.

27 1/2 hours class hours.  (7 ½ hours voice,  20 hours physical theater)          
2 hours self study in preparation of individual classroom presentation  

Bijdrage aan de competenties:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Korte samenvatting van de inhoud                                                                            
Continuation of all the principles introduced in the first year:  active stage presence,  filled and believable actions,  ability to use  voice, tekst, sound, awareness of others and the playing  space,  Where the first years   focused more on ensemble work, and individual in an enesemble the second year is more on on-stage relationships,  the awareness of the "other", agreement, conflict, contrast, playing off one another, listening and reaction.  Subtext is introduced.   Duets/ dialogues are learned and performed focusing on the subtext. A short (15 minute) in- class presentation  researched  in own time and presented, in class, subject taken from the list of names and companies/theatrical concepts  passed out first day of class. Voice class is a continuation of vocal warm up, some vocal technique, and ensemble songs from a variety of repertoire. Vocal improvisation games.  A text/ poem/prose is studied and performed in relation to projection, interpretation, meaning, and emotion.

Concrete leerdoelen:

  • Are able to learn a simple  dialogue/tekst in a believable and watchable manner.                  
  • Are able to indentify and play various subtexts and how this colors the dialogue and physicality.
  • Are able to listen and respond to a partner.                                                                                
  • Are able to learn and perform an ensemble text, stage it, and present it with nuance, interpretation, emotion, and physicality.                                                                                                        
  • Can use voice in an articulated, projected and supported way both in speaking, and in singing.

Gebruikte werkvorm:
in-class presentations,  duet assignment with tekst, and subtext, end presentation.
Individual in-class presentation of research.

Gebruikt studiemateriaal:
handout of list of companies, theatrical concepts etc,  
videos/books/performances in regards to individual research presentation.

Wijze van beoordeling  
class room participation,  giving and taking constructive criticism, end presentation, and completion of research presentation.

1.1, 1.2, 1.2,
2.1, 2.3,
3.1, 3.2, 3.4 3.6,
4.1,4.2, 4.3,
5.2, 5.5,

Relates to physical Theatre MTD1 and Drama MTD 3
