Name of teacher:
Heidi Vierthaler
Period, duration
Block 1, Week 44-46-47
Study load
Total 40 hours
As a unique and constantly evolving tool for dancers and non- dancers alike, Stream - Flow uses visual imagery and tactile exercises to help release the body and heighten awareness on many levels. The inspiration for Stream-Flow began after a car accident forced Heidi to stop dancing for one year. *During that time she was forced to re-evaluate her level of body awareness. In need of physical therapy, she was introduced to the Gyrotonics Method. It was a relief for her to work with a deeper approach to movement for the first time. She began to understand how to work with her functional body. The importance was placed on what movement feels like, rather than the pressure of what it looked like. It brought balance, strength, breath and life back into her body. The development of Stream-Flow was further influenced by regular workshops with Budo Master Akira Hino and William Forsythe’s movement techniques.
Content and design of the class
Students will experience a physical body scan. They will work with simple ball imagery exploring inner and outer body, to delicate touch and guidance exercises in pairs and groups. These tasks create an array of dynamics, from extremely fragile to surprisingly powerful, ideal for breaking habitual movement patterns. By bringing us back to the functional body, Stream-Flow offers a creative approach to bridging different dance techniques and your own personal movement history. The focus of this class will be on integrating heightened inner and outer awareness as the foundation of endless initiations, and opening up new possibilities of organising the body. We will work on separating the body into small sections from joint to joint and space to space. We will also develop phrases of movement that will allow for surprising initiations, with less effort and a rich pallet of dynamics. Once a movement phrase is built, we will deconstruct and recycle it so that it keeps morphing into new material and situations. This will include solo work, partnering and group situations. The material will be observed daily by the group, leading to discussions that will shape our journey for the 3 week period. At the end, we will blend our personal experiences with new ideas allowing transformation and a different approach to creation.
Learning goals
- Gain heightened body awareness at a pace that doesn’t feel rushed, and
- allowing the time needed to make a shift in both body and mind
- Feel at ease with the process of unlearning in order to allow new information to
- appear and resonate
- Become aware of habits and approaching movement form less familiar place
- Allow oneself to be in the moment and truly experience different qualities and
- dynamics. Learn to risk, challenge and fail
- Step out of one’s comfort zone
- Together with peers, create a safe and supportive work environment
- Gain new skills to create movement phrases and rework them in numerous ways.
- This includes solo, duo and group work
- Gain the ability to feel change within yourself and to see it in others
- Gain knowledge of spacial awareness, level changes and endless qualities that
- adds layers and quality to movement
- Begin to feel confident in sharing strengths and vulnerabilities with peers
- Surprise oneself and in the end, surprise others
Working method(s) used
Individual, duos and group work
Used study material
Sound,music, note books and props, Schultz, M.L. “Awakening Intuition: Using Your Mind-Body Network for Insight and Healing”, 1999, Three Rivers Press Assessment criteria: Attendance Attitude Work ethic Openness Curiosity and desire Rigor Personal development and refection Participation
Method of assessment
Ability to react to feedback, reflect on it, and shift it if necessary.
Learning goals in the class contribute to the overall development of the competency indicators 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.5 / 1.8 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 2.6 / 2.7 / 3.1 / 3.2 / 3.3 / 4.2 / 4.4 /
The overall development of the student is assessed at integral assessment meetings, twice a year, through combined self-assessment and assessment by teachers, coaches and mentors. This course forms a continuous line with the Improvisation towards real-time composition, Year 1, Block 3.