In order to graduate and receive your diploma, you must gain 240 study credits and comply with all stipulations in the graduation agreement.  

A talk involving you, your artistic director and one or more teachers will be held to conclude your study. If possible an external supervisor or guest teacher will also be invited. Topics that might be dealt with during this talk include:
the development you as student have undergone during your study (partly in relation to your internship report or graduation plan)
the arrangements set down in the graduation agreement with regard to the graduation plan and how you as student reflect on them
the level you have attained in relation to the competencies and professional practice
your future plans and expectations

Resitting the final exam  

If one or more study components have not been satisfactorily completed, the exam committee/ term review meeting can grant a resit or an extension of the graduation phase and thereby also decide on the form or content of such a resit or extension. 

A resit of the final exam or an extension of the study programme are both one-off concessions and must be completed within a limit of one year.

More information about the exact regulations concerning the possibilities for a resit of the final exam can be found in the OER (Education and Exam Regulation) of the Academy for Theatre and Dance. This is available to all students on intranet. If they have questions about this subject, students can also contact student counsellor Timon Hagen at: or call 020 – 527 76 37
