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Study guide


Internal communication within the Academy for Theatre and Dance takes place in various ways. Every study programme has a notice board with a roster and other information. In addition, all students have their own AHK email address and there are also notice boards throughout the building where important announcements can be posted. 


To read your AHK mail, you must log in on MyAHK. Important news is posted in this personalized environment (AHK intranet), for example, which teachers have reported sick but also announcements about activities outside your own study programme. On intranet you can also find lots of useful information about numerous practical issues like study fees, insurance, funds, bursaries and much more. Because a lot of important and up-to-date information is made known on MyAHK, it’s imperative that students use their AHK mail address and log in regularly. You can do this on any computer with internet via 
