Next to the General Academy Rules, the National Ballet Academy has additional.
- It is not permitted to wear street shoes in the studio’s.
- Food and drinks may not be taken into the studio’s (with the exception of water bottles)
- Mobile phones and all other electronic devices must be switched off during all classes and rehearsals and must be kept in the students’ bag.
- Bags must be stored neatly near the studio windows or under the piano.
- All students must warm up and be ready to commence class in good time.
- Pupils, students and parents/ guardians and all others are not permitted to take photos or film in the school without prior permission from the artistic director.
- It is strictly forbidden to take pictures or film in the changing rooms.
- Parents are only allowed to watch balletclasses/rehearsals during the Open Class Week for parents. It is not allowed to film or take pictures during these classes.
- Students are not allowed to follow ballet/ dance classes outside the school, unless permission is given by the artistic director.
- Students are free to attend audition at companies/schools, only with prior permission (excused absence) of the artistic director.
- Students may only participate in performances of other schools/ companies/ events etc with prior permission of the artistic director.
- Interviews and/ or other contacts with the press/media may only take place after prior permission of the artistic director.
- If students cause (accidental) damage to the building / furniture/ property of the school the student may be held (financially) responsible to any damages caused and the cost related to repair works and or replacement costs. Students are advised to take out a liability insurance.
- The school cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen items. Because theft cannot always be prevented students are advised not to take valuable items to the school. If valuable items are brought to the school, they should always be kept in sight.
- Parents are not allowed to visit students back stage before/during/after performances and/or presentations in the school or elsewhere.
- In case of incident in which these do not foresee the artistic director will decided about appropriate action.
Alcohol & Drugs policy
The use of Drugs is strictly forbidden within the school premises. Failure to comply to this rule may lead to expulsion from the school.
According to Dutch law alcohol may be used in limited quantities by students over 18 years of age. At certain school events such as school parties and after-performance receptions the use of alcoholic beverages in limited amounts is permitted. A student over 18 is expected to behave responsibly with regards to alcohol use.
The use of alcohol and/or drugs by students outside school hours may lead to problematic after effects ( hang-over, nausea, lack of concentration, dehydration, exhaustion, psychosis, black-outs, memory loss, depression, etc). Students displaying symptoms of use or overuse of drugs and/or alcohol will be excluded from classes and rehearsals pending further investigation.
All students are strongly advised and encouraged to report any alcohol and drug related incidents to the NBA direction. Any such reports will be treated as confidential. If for any reason the student wishes to speak to someone other than the NBA direction about this type of issue, he/she can contact one of the Amsterdam University of the Arts confidential advisers. Contact information of the confidential advisers can be found on MyAHK internet.
Medicine use
Students that use prescribed medication that influence or may influence their study or functioning within the school are obliged to inform the artistic director about this.
Use of social media
As opportunities to share experiences expand with evolving technologies, we would like to remind staff, students and families of their and our responsibility in terms of privacy, respect and discretion.
We would ask staff, students and families to observe the following:
Use common sense and common courtesy: for example, ask for permission from an Artistic staff member if you may publish or report on anything related to the school.
Make sure you don't violate the privacy of the NBA or that of its staff, students and employees. NBA does not permit photos and/ or film to be taken of students and pupils and especially not when students are in class in studios, or rehearsing on stage. On occasion, Artistic staff may permit parents to take photographs at the end of a class – these images are not to be shared publicly – parents need to be reminded that public posting on social media sites (including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, etc.) contravenes not just the NBA privacy but also international privacy laws. Sharing images with friends and family online is acceptable, and does not require NBA’s permission. It is not the NBA's intent to curb a parents' enthusiasm for sharing their child's accomplishments, but rather a need to ensure that we honor and respect the appropriate content creators and the rights' holders. Thus, photographing and filming classes, rehearsals, performances, etc. contravenes the NBA’s rights. In failing to observe the policy outlined above the NBA is compromised in its ability to keep your children safe. As technology and regulations evolve in tandem the NBA will continue to monitor this policy and adapt it as necessary.