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Concern for health and welfare is a crucial investment when it comes to improving the quality and extent of a professional podium career. Students at the Academy of Theatre and Dance/ Dutch National Ballet Academy endure a high degree of physical and mental stress. It is essential therefore, that a student learns to adopt a responsible way of working. Moreover, the study program and the future employer are co-responsible for a healthy environment, conducive to study and work.

Since the start of the 1990s, the Dance sub-faculty of the Amsterdam Academy of Theatre and Dance has steadily developed a unique Health Program. The program consists of three parts: education, advice and guidance and research. Initially the program, developed by the Dance & Health Department, focused mainly on dance students. However, the Health Department’s Health Team has now also taken to working for other ATD departments.  

Consulting hours
Consulting hours give students the opportunity to raise individual questions or physical and/or psychological complaints. Problems can then be identified at an early stage and if necessary guidance can be offered. In the case of injury, a recovery program will be compiled. A student may seek help at his/her own initiative or be referred by a study supervisor, mentor or teacher. The consulting hours have an advisory and educational function. No treatment is given! Students can choose from a diverse range of consulting hours:
•    Consulting hour – posture and movement, injury prevention.
By a physio-manual therapist and a Mensendieck exercise therapist
•    Consulting hour – nutrition.
By a dietitian
•    Consulting hour – psychological counseling.
By a psychologist
•    Health and well-being
By the coordinator Health department

Advice referral
If (para)medical treatment is necessary, the Health Team can give specific advice. The team is affiliated with a network of specialized healthcare professionals (for example, general practitioner, Manual-, Physiotherapist, Mensendieck Therapist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Dietitian, Psychologist and Psychomotor Therapist, Osteopath). More detailed information about the Health & Performance department can be found here.


  • NBA students will join a mandatory medical screening through the department Health & Performance upon entering NBA. Repeated during the school year if deemed necessary by NBA and the Health & Performance team.
  • If students want to or need another medical check-up they should ask their private general practitioner who should in turn share any relevant results with NBA’s Health Representative.
  • NBA students will join a mandatory structural screening through the department Health & Performance upon entering NBA. Results of the structural screening  are shared with the student during a ‘follow-up’ meeting by a member of the Health & Performance team.
  • NBA students will join a mandatory functional screening through the Health & Performance team upon entering NBA. Results of the functional screening  are shared with the student during a ‘follow-up’ meeting by a member of the Health & Performance team.

The cost for the medical screening  and structural and functional screening are €115,- for Bachelor students and €145,- for Guest students.

General Info

  • Students should share with NBA’s Health Representative all relevant information pertaining to the practice of NBA’s training.
  • NBA’s Health Representative should collect all health data so the doctors, students and NBA can consult these records in case of need.
  • There will be an agreement of confidentiality between the three parties.
  • All this data will go into the students medical record and therefore at the disposal of students and NBA’s Health Representative if necessary.
  • None of this data can be used outside the school files and purposes.
  • If any underweight or overweight concerns were to be raised by NBA, it would then be addressed immediately to Health & Performance team and student in order to advise or set up an appropriate treatment plan.
  • Health & Performance team will offer - with the approval and in consultation with families - the services of an in-house psychologist and nutritionist who will serve as advisors. In case of necessary treatment, student will be referred to an external specialist.