Apart from the regular education the SNDO sees as its responsibility to stay in active and critical dialogue with contemporary themes and politics in the (dance) profession, to stimulate new developments and research through offering intensive courses, symposia and producing articles that can contribute to further development and improvement in the dance field.

The SNDO has organized a number of conferences and workshops: Conversations on Choreography (March 1999), Bodies of Influence (June 1996), The Connected Body (August 1994), The Absent Body (2008), The Diva Body (2009), Body & Spirit (2010), Social Choreography (2011), Art and Political, program curated by Quinsy Gario (2016), On Consent in Dance and Performance (2018), Activism, Art And Education – A Week With Angela Davis (2018), workshop and performance by Ishmael Houston-Jones and Keith Hennessy (2019) and Performance White Privilege Thomas DeFrantz & Quran Karriem (2021).

In addition, the SNDO regularly invites lecturers as part of the Artist in Residence programmes at the Academy of Theatre and Dance, hosts professionals from the venues, festivals and theatres as a re- viewer, to give feedback on the students work and maintains the network of contexts and venues for students programmes and performances.
