European Credit Transfer System
Dance study programmes at the Academy of Theatre and Dance use a study load system that corresponds with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A full-time HBO study programme of 240 study credits (EC) is equivalent to 1680 hours of study annually, according to the Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Act governing Higher Education and Scientific Research) (WHW), in a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning. The study load of the propaedeutic phase amounts to 60 study credits. The total study load of the main phase is 180 study credits, 60 for each of the three study years.
Integral evaluation and granting of study credits
In the programs within the Academy of Theater and Dance, the credits are not awarded per subject, but per semester. In order to be able to properly assess the development of a student, it is of great importance that the committee of examiners / assessment meeting not only looks at the student's progress in a certain subject or component, but at the development of this student across the full width of the course. the artistry. The student is therefore also assessed in a cross-curricular (integral) way per semester. This takes place during an assessment meeting in which a large part of the teachers who taught during the semester participate. They may or may not award the credits on the basis of participation and quality during the entire semester in light of the final level to be achieved, and therefore not per subject or component.
For this integral assessment, students receive 30 credits per semester (60 credits per academic year):
- 20 credits based on the participation in education;
- 10 credits based on the integral assessment.
In the event of disappointing results or insufficient attendance, the assessment meeting/committee of examiners may issue one or more additional assignments before awarding credits. It will usually also set a period within which these assignments must be completed and assessed.
At the end of each semester, students are informed of their study results and the credits obtained during an individual meeting with the study supervisor, mentor or principal subject teacher.
Students are jointly responsible for providing information for the semester assessment, such as a list of (possibly external) program components and workshops, presentations, internship reports, etc. All these data and documents are stored in a personal student file.
More information about the allocation of credits can be found in the Education and Examination Regulations (OER) of the academy.
Presence and Absence
In order to be admitted to the integral semester assessment, and to be awarded the 20 credits on the basis of participation in education, a student must have attended at least 90% of the lessons. If a student is unable to meet this attendance requirement as a result of absence or illness, but has made progress and has an adequate working attitude, he can still gain access to the assessment (possibly on the basis of additional assignments). However, if he has attended less than 70%, he may be refused access to the assessment. In most cases, the assessment meeting/committee of examiners will issue one or more additional assignments in the event of disappointing results or insufficient attendance, on the basis of which the missed points can still be awarded.
In the event of illness, the student must report this officially and in good time to the study programme. In the event of a long-term illness or injury, the student should contact the artistic director of the study programme.
Permitted absences count as attendance. A statement of permitted absence (excused absence) is only given after written permission has been obtained from the artistic director for activities outside the academy, such as auditions, workshops and performances. The student must take care of this himself, and in advance.
It is not permitted to perform activities during school hours that are not facilitated by the school or approved by the artistic direction.
In a number of cases, students may be excluded from attending classes, either once or for a certain period. This is the case when:
- the student is repeatedly absent from one or more lessons
- the student regularly exhibits disruptive behavior
- the student does not adhere to the dress code
- the student poses health risks to himself or to the group
In the event of the above behavior, this will be reported directly to the artistic director of the study programme. This will start a discussion (with the student and lecturers) as soon as possible. Following the discussion, the artistic director will make a decision in consultation with the director of the academy. This can include:
- the student is requested to adjust his behavior and continue his study program
- if this is not complied with, the student may be excluded from the programme.
In case of problems or disagreements, students are strongly advised to first contact the dean of the school:
Timon Hagen: or 020 - 527 7637