The Dutch National Ballet Academy trains classical dancers for the highest, international level. Graduates of the Dutch National Ballet Academy are able to dance classical repertoire and on the basis of classical technique, are capable of performing contemporary modern ballet repertoire with ensembles both in The Netherlands and abroad. The profession of ballet dancer is reserved for the select few; only students who attain an extremely high standard, will be admitted to the major dance ensembles. 

The Dutch National Ballet Academy has the following goals: 

  • to train students to become classical dancers who live up to the rigorous demands of the international work field and are able to function within this professional terrain;
  • train students to become classical dancers who make a worthwhile contribution to the creation of choreographies;
  • to train students to become classical dancers who after their study continue to use and develop their talent as performance artists
  • to train dancers who are at the highest level of their profession, but at the same time well-rounded human beings who can reflect on their art form and place their profession within a larger social environment. 