Name of teacher / supervisor
Erzi Hoogveld

Period, duration
Block 2: week 47 – 3
Block 3 :week 9 - 17

Study load
Total 24 contact-hours

1, 3, 6

The root: National and international research has revealed that fitness – especially the cardiovascular capacity or endurance – plays an important role in improving dance performance and preventing injuries. For that reason, physical fitness training has a standard place in the basic schedule of all dance training courses. Influences & Personal development of the teaching/technique: Ingredients for this course come from all sorts of techniques and practices from dance, sports and therapies and a lot of personal experience and knowledge.

Content and design of the class
The characteristic of this class is mainly physical. We will focus on all the components of physical fitness as: endurance (cardio vascular + muscular), strength , flexibility, coordination, speed but also elements like: breath, balance, rest and all other anatomically- related subjects that are being taught in the experiential anatomy classes. Every year the first- and second-year students are  screened on structural build and  quality of movement and this “physical profile” is used as a guideline in classes Smart Training and Experiential Anatomy. Visit the H&P website

Learning goals
The goal of these classes is to give the student tools for personal maintenance of their body and health.
The learning goals for the students:

  • being able to recognise what is needed for own body
  • being able to create own workout
  • how to set goals for improvement on own physical fitness

Working method(s) used
Group class, training out and inside the building, peer-to-peer, coaching, aiding and advising.

Used study material
Amendatory book: “Anatomy and injuries” Ted Willemsen, exercise aids and fitness materials.

Assessment criteria:
Students are assessed in regard to the class learning goals, their personal development trajectory, attendance, participation and motivation.

Method of assessment
Small assignments in class, continuous feedback

Learning goals in the class contribute to the overall development of the competency indicators:  
1.1 1.4 1.8  2.3, 3.3, 6.4, 6.5

The overall development of the student is assessed at integral assessment meetings, twice a year, through combined self-assessment and assessment by teachers, coaches and mentors. This course forms a continuous line with the Experiential Anatomy/kinesiology course from the cluster Body & Movement studies in year 1, block 1  and 2.
