Naam docent/begeleider
guest choreographer connected to contemporary classes

Periode, duur
block 3+5, 6 weeks, 4/5 meetings of 3 to 5 hours

20 hours per week contact time 

Bijdrage aan de competenties
Creative potential, Craftmanship,  Investigative and reflective abilities,  Entrepreneurial and organisational ability, Communicative, Collaborative

Korte samenvatting van de inhoud

With a guest choreographer working on a new creation as a co-creator based on the concept, theme, and idea’s from the choreographer, developing material for the new choreography.

Concrete leerdoelen 
The student

1. Is able to create dance/movement material based on the given tasks from the choreographer

2. Is able to bring in own ideas of composition  in relation to the concept and theme given by the choreographer.

3. Is able collaborate with the choreographer, dance colleagues and repetitor  

4. Is able to communicate constructively with the choreographer, dance colleagues and repetitor about the content, context and material of the choreography

5. Shows the ability to learn and teach dance/movement material from/to either the choreographer and dance colleagues and adapt it within the own performance role.

6. Is able to apply and connect his/her knowledge learned from the different subjects during the first second and third year within the creation. 

7. Is able to work with a diversity of qualities, dynamics and intention in time and space.

8. Is able to execute and dance the choreography in consideration of the theme and concept given by the choreographer.

9. Is able to formulate an own performance personality within the context and theme.

Gebruikte werkvorm(en)

tasks and assignments, training, instructions, performance 

Gebruikt studiemateriaal (vakliteratuur, cases, opdrachten, video’s etc.)
Research material related tot he specific theme and context of the performance

Wijze van beoordeling
permanent feedback during process and the performances followed by a written feedback on process and performance

Creative potential, 1,2,3,4,5

Craftmanship, 1,2,3,4,5,6

Investigative and reflective abilities, 1,2,3,4,5,6

Potential for growth and innovation 1,2,3

Entrepreneurial and organisational ability 2,3,4,5

Communicative ability 2

Collaborative ability 1,2,3,4

Opmerkingen over bijvoorbeeld samenhang en volgtijdelijke eisen in het licht van het totale programma of andere opmerkingen: This subject is related to creation and performance, and will develop further and get deepened through working with guest choreographers during intensive workshops, creation processes, masterclasses and is relevant for internships and professional contracts. It is the subject in which all subjects can/will contribute towards becoming a professional dance performer and artist
