Naam docent/begeleider: 

Periode, duur: 
Blok 3, 6 weken, 3 x per week 8 uur in totaal per week 

48 contact uren

Bijdrage aan de competenties: 

  1. Creative potential
  2. Craftmanship
  3. Investigative and reflective abilities
  4. Entrepreneurial and organisational ability
  5. Communicative
  6. Collaborative 

Korte samenvatting van de inhoud: 
Studying repertory of a settled choreographer with the choreographer or representative of the company. The repertory is taught by learning from video, teaching the material by the  choreographer or representative. They get insight and knowledge about the concept content and background of the piece.

Concrete leerdoelen 

  • Is able to execute a repertory piece.
  • Shows to be able to learn repertory from video and/or from to representative.
  • Is able to work with the different components of the repertory, time, space and energy.
  • Shows an understanding of the concept and context of the repertory piece.
  • Is able to perform the repertory in theatre setting.
  • Is able to analyze the material, physical, thematically and its principles.
  • Understands the whole of the repertory and his or her role.
  • Is able to place the repertory in context of its time

Gebruikte werkvorm(en): 
Tasks, training, instructions, performance 

Gebruikt studiemateriaal:
Video of the specific repertory and related material to give insight and context. 

Wijze van beoordeling: 

Permanent feedback during process and the performances followed by a written feedback on process and performance.

Creative potential, 1,2,4
Craftmanship, 1,2,5
Investigative and reflective abilities, 1,2,3,4
Entrepreneurial and organizational ability 2,3,4,5
Communicative ability 2
Collaborative ability 1,2,3,4

This subject is related to learning from professional repertory and performance, and will further develop with working with guest choreographers during intensive workshops and is relevant for doing auditions for internship and professional contracts.
