The students are assessed twice a year. Students' progress over the entire semester is assessed by the course teacher. The student is assessed on his/her performance qualities and the extent to which he/she has mastered the profession of contemporary dancer. Different courses are concluded with a presentation for teachers and fellow students. This contributes to the performance quality of the dancer.
During the main phase and the propaedeutic year, integral assessment meetings take place. The result of the assessment is communicated to the student both orally and in writing together with a motivation. Substantive feedback is also given in the form of points that require extra attention and learning moments that can help the student with his/her further development.
The subjects partnering / contact improvisation, composition, improvisation and movement research, physical theatre, drama and contemporary repertoire are given in short block courses and can be concluded with a studio presentation but prodominantly with a written evaluation by the relevant teacher. Assessment takes place during the general integral assessment meeting at the end of the semester.