European Credit Transfer System
Dance study programmes at the Academy of Theatre and Dance use a study load system that corresponds with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A full-time HBO study programme of 240 study credits (EC) is equivalent to 1680 hours of study annually, in a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning, according to the Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Act governing Higher Education and Scientific Research) (WHW). The study load of the propaedeutic phase amounts to 60 study credits. The total study load of the main phase is 180 study credits, 60 for each of the three study years.

Integral assessment and granting of study credits
Per semester, every dance study programme works with an integrated study range which focuses on programme components from various clusters. For that reason the semester is integrally assessed on the basis of participation and quality throughout the whole semester and not only per subject. On condition their results are satisfactory, students receive 60 study credits per year (30 per semester). 

To be admitted to the integral semester assessment, a student must have attended at least 90% of lessons. If a student, through additional unavoidable absence (e.g. illness) does not comply with attendance requirements but has booked progress and possesses an adequate work attitude, they can (possibly on the basis of supplementary assignments) still gain entry to the evaluation. However, if their attendance record is less than 70%, they can be barred from participating in the evaluation.

If a student falls ill they must report this to the study programme in good time. In case of lengthy illness or injury, the student should contact the artistic director of the study programme. In specific situations, and or rare occasions, the artistic director in dialogue with mentor and/or core team can give permission for authorized absence (meaning a credit compensation will not be required). This absence needs to be artistically motivated in writing and be submitted in a timely manner, well prior to start of the respective semester.
Mentor can inform the students on the required procedure in order to obtain authorized absence.

*For detailed information about study regulations, crediting system, examinations and assessments procedures please read the Education and Exam Regulations of Academy of Theatre and Dance, available to students on intranet and in the general section of this study guide.
