Title course:
Dance history MTD 1

Zeynep Gunduz

Periode, duur
jaar 1, semester 1, aantal weken/ bijeenkomsten Year 1, semester 1 and 2. 24  lessons Block 1,2,3,4

Studiebelasting totaal:
1,5 hours lesson time (contact hours), 1 hour max selfstudy (but not weekly)

Bijdrage aan de competenties

  1. Creerend vermogen
  2. Onderzoekend en reflectief vermogen
  3. Vermogen tot groei en vernieuwing
  4. Ordernemend en organiserend vermogen
  5. Communicatief vermogen
  6. Vermogen tot samenwerking

Korte samenvatting van de inhoud:
The first year’s aim is to introduce major developments in the history of (primarily) Western theaterical dance with the aim to understand how major aspects such as, understanding of the dancing body, meaning, audience address etc, differ per genre, historical context, and dance discourse. In the first year certain theories are (lightly) introduced such as (male) gaze, gender, orientalism. The first year is also an orientation to the contemporary landscape of dance: audiovisual examples are shown and discussed in class. Students are expected to visit numerous  performances  and, later, place them within the discourses of dance.

Concrete leerdoelen

  • holds knowledge of major historical developments of Western theaterical dance.
  • can pinpoint genres and their (major)characteristics.
  • gains knowledge of numerous examples of contemporary dance.
  • can reflect on relations between contemporary dance and historical developments.
  • has insight of selected theories and can apply these to examples of dance.
  • learns how to use the library and find sources
  • can find select, order information for oral presentation.
  • llearns to work together in small groups.

Gebruikte werkvorm(en):
Classes vary and combine: presentation by teacher, watching AV examples, discussion of viewed performances, analysis of viewed performances, student presentations.

Gebruikt studiemateriaal:
Reader MTD 1, Au, S (1998). Ballet and modern dance. New York: Thames & Hudson, Powerpoint presentations, Various audiovisual examples of dance

Wijze van beoordeling toetsvorm:
Semester 1: written exam, 2 performance reports, 5 performance tickets. Semester 2: oral presentations in groups of 3-4 students, 2 performance reports, 5 performance tickets

1.5,  3.2, 3.3, 3.5,  
4.1, 4.2 4.4,
5.2, 5.4,
6.1, 6.2,
7.2, 7.3, 7.4

Opmerkingen over bijvoorbeeld samenhang en volgtijdelijke eisen in het licht van het totale programma of andere opmerkingen
Important is to create relations between theory & practice
