Naam docent: 
Helga Langen and Hildegarde De Baets

Periode, duur:
Year 1, blok 1, 2, 3 en 4,

Contact hours: 1,5 hour a week

Self study:

  1. Ongoing process of implementing the skills in their daily life/ dance life.
  2. Two reflective diaries each during 2 weeks (10' 5 days a week).
  3. written assignments, reading and answering questions around 2 hours.

Bijdrage aan de competenties:

  1. Creative Potential (1, 4)
  2. Ambachtelijk vermogen (1,6)
  3. Onderzoekend en reflectief vermogen (1,2,3)
  4. Vermogen tot groei en vernieuwing (1,2,3)
  5. Ondernemend en organiserend vermogen (2)
  6. Communicatief vermogen (2)
  7. Vermogen tot samenwerking (4) 

Korte samenvatting van de inhoud:
In this class the student will become acquainted with the principles of the Alexander Technique. The student is gaining knowledge and experience about - 'good use of the self'- how to take care of body and mind in a healthy and creative way to be able to express his art fully

Concrete leerdoelen:
The student
a. develops a basic understanding of the principles like; inhibition, directions, consciousness of habits. 
b. learns how to recognise personal habits that impede the coordination of mind and body.
c. starts to recognize that the way he uses himself has an impact on his functioning.
d. has knowledge about the historical context of the Technique and the development of the ‘Principles’

Gebruikte werkvorm(en): Ways of teaching
Individual lessons, self study during and outside the class, group classes.

Gebruikt studiemateriaal : Assignments-research-self-study
Reflective diaries, articles one by Greg Holdaway and one by Glenn park.

Wijze van beoordeling: Method of assessment
presence and participation in class, observational diaries, written reports regarding the material offered during the classes and relevant literature.

Participation, feedback, development in the skills of AT, written reports 

Student is encouraged to incorporate what he learns and experiences in his ballet, contemporary and other movement classes and in daily life. Transferring the theoretical knowledge into practical understanding and embodiment.

He learns to become an active participant in the feedback process and learns to identify habits related to his use. This connects with the screening and follow up from the Dance and Health department and the feedback he receives in the dance classes.


1.a. 'Lying down procedure'. 
Observational diary based on 2 weeks of practice linked to what we did in class and what they experience and discover when they practice it on their own. 

b. 'Inhibition leg lift procedure'. 
Observational diary based on 2 weeks of practice linked to what we did in class and what they experience and discover when they practice it on their own. 

A.T. resources
'Good dancers make it look easy' by Greg Holdaway. 

Reading article and answering questions related to the content of the article and one reflexive question related to recognising personal habits that impede coordination of mind and body in relation to dance work.

A.T. resources
'Inhibition, direction and sensory awareness' by Glenn park. 

Reading article and answering questions related to the content of the article and one reflexive question related to recognising personal habits that impede coordination of mind and body in relation to dance work.

Ways of teaching
1. Mostly individual turns.

In the lesson the teacher instructs the student — with verbal and manual guidance — to approach movement differently,  recognizing habit patterns that may be interfering with ease and flexibility and learning how to discontinue them.

2. Self study during class and outside the class.

3. Group classes.
Over a course of lessons the teacher introduces concepts and practices that expands the awareness of the functioning of the nervous system, muscular system and skeletal system.
