NBA’s current protocol:
1.    The teacher in charge of the class will assess the severity of the pain level and/or the injury
2.    If the pain seems related to simple soreness due to intense workout, the teacher will advise the student to stop and rest and/or to wait for a few hours or day and check the level of pain then.
3.    If the teacher judges that the pain level is serious enough to have it checked by a physiotherapist, they will connect with our in-house therapist (through the Principal or not) and will send the student to be seen by an NBA physiotherapist who is entitled to diagnose dance related injuries. The therapist will in turn take the decision to monitor the situation appropriately whether it means to send the student to a external specialist or send in order to get an x-ray or otherwise.
4.    If the student has a record of that particular injury or similar or related disorder with our Health team, the student will be sent to either our physiotherapist or postural therapist who are part of NBA’s team. Some exercises may be given could then by one of those therapists/coaches. If necessary, students will be referred to an external specialist.
5.    If the pain is intense and/or in case of a fall or other accident whether minor or major, the teacher will call a receptionist of the Academy of Theatre and Dance who has been trained in first aid assistance. Parents of students under 18 will be contacted and advised to make a doctor’s appointment in order to get a medical diagnosis or NBA will accompany the student to the emergency room at a hospital.  In case of an under 18 year old student using services of an external health practitioner, it will be the parent’s responsibility to communicate all proper relevant information to NBA’s Health Representative. Students over 18 years old should relay information to the NBA Health Representative themselves.
6.    Following the medical diagnosis, a protocol for rehabilitation and/or remedial therapy will be implemented with a medical follow-up if needed. Family doctors as well as parents and NBA will coordinate their strategy and information regarding the case through the health representative of the NBA.
7.    The student receives a written note from the medical diagnosis that is shared with teachers of the dance classes. The student is only allowed to not participate after showing this written note.
