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Further to the above mentioned all BA Full Time Students follow Technique classes, take part in Performances and receive Dance Supportive Training classes as mentioned below and described further in the Course Descriptions (Vakbeschrijvingen). They are joined in these classes by some Guest Students who will be at the Dutch National Ballet for one or two years. . Guest Students do not follow the above Full Program and therefore do not receive a Batchelor of Arts Diploma upon completion of the course. They will however receive a certificate of attendance. 

Guest students may, like a Full Time BA Student, embark on an internship with one or several dance ensembles. The internship consists of assisting in the realization of a professional production and dancing in a series of performances. Characteristic of an internship is that students work and learn independently (but under supervision) in professional practice. Not only should the trainee be supervised in his/her work but attention should also focus on the learning aspect. Students are themselves responsible for finding an internship by participating in auditions although they will be assisted by staff members of the Dutch National Ballet Academy. 
