The Dutch National Ballet Academy is the only dance vocational study program in The Netherlands affiliated with a major ballet ensemble (Dutch National Ballet). Pupils and students regularly dance in productions staged by the ensemble. The curriculum includes lessons in the studios of Dutch National Ballet, taught by dancers and ballet masters of the group as well as its Junior Company.
During regular periods some classes of BA students and Junior Company members are combined, giving the BA students a chance to experience company class. Moreover, the artistic staff of Het Nationale Ballet is closely involved with the structure and development of the National Ballet Academy curriculum, with the selection and evaluation of pupils and students, while the educational service of the ensemble supports the scouting activities of the study program. Students also follow brief or more extensive internships with the group or its Junior Company. A large number of the teaching staff were active as dancers with Het Nationale Ballet and/or other major companies, some of them until very recently.
Ted Brandsen, Director of Dutch National Ballet, is advisor to the Dutch National Ballet Academy. Dutch choreographer and choreographer in residence with Dutch National Ballet, Hans van Manen, is the patron of Dutch National Ballet Academy.
Ernst Meisner is Artistic Director of Dutch National Ballet Academy as well as Artistic Coordinator of Dutch National Ballet Junior Company, therefore connecting the two institutions even further.
The Dutch National Ballet Academy brings students into contact with a diverse range of styles and techniques used in the national and international work field. Choreographers and dancers active in various Dutch ensembles are regularly invited to give lessons or contribute to productions. In Dutch National Ballet Academy productions, both classical and contemporary repertoire are performed, in addition to new work specially made for the students.
Apart from Dutch National Ballet, the academy maintains close ties with Nederlands Dans Theater, Introdans, Scapino Rotterdam, the Royal Ballet, the Royal Ballet of Flanders and with choreographers such as Hans van Manen, Ted Brandsen, Juanjo Arques, Ernst Meisner,Toer van Schayk, Krzystof Pastor, David Dawson, Wayne McGregor, William Forsythe and Christopher Wheeldon.